Report for Unknown parcel lockers
This report finds parcel lockers that do not appear to match to any known parcel locker brands.
Unknown parcel lockers
These parcel lockers do not appear to match to any known parcel locker brands. These may be missing tags, have errors in the values or be from other brands.
- Parcel locker Node 3734114772 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand
- Parcel locker Node 6068484791 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand (compared values:
- Parcel locker Node 10801487173 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand
- Parcel locker Node 11019050270 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand
- Parcel locker Node 11152537182 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand
- Parcel locker Node 11871139759 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand
- Parcel locker Node 11965045322 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand (compared values:
- Parcel locker Node 11966807240 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand (compared values:
- Parcel locker Node 11999053819 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand (compared values:
Kuldīgas galvenā bibliotēka
, Bibliomāts
- Parcel locker Node 12123686744 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand (compared values:
Pasta Pakomāts
- Parcel locker Node 12161456475 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand (compared values:
Clean Control
- Parcel locker Node 12263167751 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand
- Parcel locker Node 12293802536 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand (compared values:
- Parcel locker Node 12377367396 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand
- Parcel locker Node 12509607108 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand (compared values:
- Parcel locker Way 1233645281 doesn't seem to belong to a known brand
Values for locker name/operator/brand: Omniva
×264, DPD
×198, DPD Latvia
×167, Latvijas Pasts
×136, Venipak
×112, Unisend
×57, Smartpost
×48, Latvijas pasts
×42, Itella
×41, DPD Pickup Station
×21, uDrop
×10, izipizi.lv
×3, DHL
×2, Smartpost Itella
×2, Udrop
×2, Stokker
×2, Pasta stacija
×1, Pasta Stacija
×1, Lietuvos paštas
×1, Latvijas Pasta paku tornis
×1, dpd
×1, SmartPost
×1, unisend
×1, UniSend
×1, VeniPak
×1, DHL Express
×1, Unidrop
Source data
- OSM as of 2025-01-21 21:21:15 Link
- Parcel Locker operators (undated)
Provided as is; mistakes possible.